Osho Evening Meeting Meditation

9 months 9 days before leaving his body Osho created this amazing meditation. It is an opportunity to get together dance, celebrate & meditate at the same time. There are series of activities that take place in this meditation that includes dancing, sitting silently, listening to Osho, gibberish, let go & celebration. Listening to Osho in this evening meeting meditation is very therapeutic & it helps in breaking your old belief systems that may be bringing pain in life. It is amazing way to experiencing silence through words.

This is one of greatest method invented by Osho in 25 centuries since the time of Gautama The Buddha. Nobody has ever done this before Osho.

This meditation must start by 6.45pm local time & is supported by the specific audio & video recordings of, dance music, Osho Discourses etc of OSHO Evening Meeting Meditation music.

Osho Evening Meeting Meditation


OSHO Evening Meeting Meditation has 7 stages & lasts for 1.30 hours to 2 hours.

Below are the two different instructions.

First one: This is from the source “Osho International Meditation Resort, Pune”



Second one: This is from my experience of doing this meditation by myself for few months/days:

First Stage: 15 Minutes – Eyes Open or Closed

Dancing: In this stage start dancing with your totality. Do not look around or see what others are doing, the more total & intense you will be, the deeper silence you may experience. There will be high energy music, so do not stop for these 15 minutes, just put everything at stake & dance. During this dance there will pause for 3-4 times, whenever there is a pause in the music just stop & shout the word OSHO raising your arms up in the air. The sound should come from the center of your being, just 2 inches below your navel. Let this sound come like a roar & continue dancing as the music continue. At the end of the 15 minutes there will be 3 continuous shouts of OSHO before we will enter into the next stage.


Second Stage: 10 Minutes – Eyes Closed

Sitting: In this stage sit comfortably while keeping your eyes closed & start listening to the music. This stage will end when there will be 3 drum beats. Just remain still & watch whatever is happening inside your body mind.


Third Stage: 45-60 Minutes – Eyes Open or Closed

Sitting or Lying Down: In this stage Osho video discourse will be played. You need to listen keeping the listener also in your awareness while listening to Osho. Osho says that ordinarily our listening is one pointed, whenever we are listening to anybody speaking, we completely forget ourselves, the listener. In this stage you need to continuously be aware of the listener as well. Do not get lost in listening. This is the technique of Self Remembering used by George Gurdjieff is a Russian mystic. Osho has talked a lot about him in his discourses.

So in this stage the listening has to be arrowed double sided pointed. Towards listening to Osho & your own self, continue watching whatever is happening inside your body mind while listening to Osho.


Fourth Stage: 2 Minutes – Eyes Closed

Sitting & Gibberish: In this stage as you hear the drum beat, start speaking in the language you do not know. Start in any language that you are not familiar with & express everything that you could not express because of society, culture or religion. Anything that has been on your mind & is been bothering you. Just express yourself fully, if any emotion comes like, anger, laughter, sadness or rage let it come. Throw out all the rubbish that you been holding inside your mind. It is one of the most amazing ways of cleansing the mind & experiencing the silence of meditation.


Fifth Stage: 1 Minute – Eyes Closed

Freeze & Letting Go: In this stage as you would hear the drum beat, get frozen & on another drum beat, just fall free on the floor. Do not prepare yourself for this fall. Just let yourself completely loose as if it the last moment of your life & you are dead. Let the body lie down on the floor but you remain as a watcher, watching the body lying & the mind with it.


Sixth Stage: 2 Minutes – Eyes Closed

Sitting: In this stage you would hear another drum beat & this is a signal to come back into the body again, but this time it is a resurrection. It is new you who has come inside the body with watchfulness & alertness. Remain still for few minutes, do not move your body.


Seventh Stage: 2 Minutes – Eyes Open or Closed

Dancing: This will be the last stage with a shout of OSHO, dance & enjoy at this point. Let the body move gracefully & lovingly. Osho says there is a reason why I end this meditation with dance. Celebration & dance should be part of our entire life. Also dancing & celebration bring an alive silence into the life. It is not a dead silence of the graveyard. This silence is alive & joyous.

To learn this Meditation Online:

“One Month of Online Osho Meditations”

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